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A few dumb things I did during my PhD...and a few smart:

Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: A few dumb things I did during my PhD...and a few smart:
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: First the dumb things (in no particular order of dumbness)
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: Fake-working I'd spend hours aimlessly browsing Google Scholar and writing unimportant emails. I thought I was working. I wasn't. I'd exhaust myself without accomplishing anything meaningful. Work with intent and self-accountability.
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: No work-life boundaries I'd spend all day on campus and in the evenings I'd try to read one more paper, one more chapter... My son would share with me what he did at school and I'd tell him to shut up. No work after 5pm, and never on a weekend.
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: No social media presence I used to be scared of social media especially Twitter. I thought it was just a "toxic" place where people went to rant. Absence from social media cost me a lot of opportunities. Maintain a regular and positive social media presence
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: Trying to do too much I felt insecure and tried to overcompensate by auditing extra courses and attending every talk on campus. There was no time for my family or even my own self. Stick to what's important and don't ignore your family.
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: Trying to prove myself Like many international and first-gen PhDs in the US, I tried to prove I was smart enough to be there. This made me feel insecure and anxious. You're smart, that's why you're in a PhD program. You don't have to prove anything.
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: On to the smart things:
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: Academic writing coaching I took regular writing workshops to find a writing style/routine that suited me best. Going by the number of folks who follow me, this proved to be a great investment. Writing is a big part of a PhD. Learn to do it effectively.
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: Mental health counselling I'd struggled with high-functioning anxiety. I knew I wouldn't make it without counselling. Counselling helped me grow both as a scholar and a person. Don't let the PhD mess with your head. Get in touch with folks who can keep you sane.
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: Instituting a rewards system After I figured things out, I stopped punishing myself for what I didn't do. Instead, I'd reward for what I did do. I celebrated small successes, and I still do. Don't punish yourself. Be kind to your own self.
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: Work-life balance After figuring things out, I built a routine: 9:30am-4:30pm work. Family time after that. This made me happier and I really looked forward to work. PhD is a long (very long) process. Overwork will result in a burn out.
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: Regular exercise I exercised regularly — running and/or swimming. During the 5 years of my PhD, I rarely went to see the doctor. Exercise. You don't need to go to a fancy gym. A simple mat in your living room would do just fine.
Mushtaq Bilal, PhD @MushtaqBilalPhD: Found this thread helpful? 1. Scroll to the top and press the "Like" button on the first tweet. 2. Follow me @MushtaqBilalPhD for more threads on academic life.